International Scientific Conference "Publications and Libraries in Southeast Europe. From the 17th century to today's challenges"
On Friday, May 24, 2024, the Museum of Typography Yannis and Eleni Garedakis, is organizing an International Scientific Conference, titled "Publications & Libraries in Southeast Europe: From the 17th century to today's challenges", at the Regional Press Institute (RPI). The Conference is a co-organized by the Museum of Typography, with National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) and Adligat (Serbia) Museum of Serbian Literature and Book Museum.
9:30-10:00 Opening
Welcome speech, Yiannis Garedakis, President of Museum of Typography, Regional Press Institute.
Morning session: PUBLISHING
Chair: Gogo Varzelioti, Associate Professor, Department of Theatre Studiess, NKUA
10:00-10:15 Srdjan Stojančev , Honorary President of the Serbian Bibliophile Society, “Theodosie Lananin - printer of Serbian books in Venice”.
10:15-10:30 Ourania Karagianni, PhD in Byzantine Archaeology, Head, Publications Department, Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation (PIOP), “Books and private libraries in Greek homes during the Venetian rule: Archival Reports from Venice in the 17th Cen- tury”.
10:30-10:45 Svetlana Mirčov, Founder and President of Adligat, Director of the library of the Law Faculty, University of Belgrade, “Printing houses that have printed Serbian publications during the Great War at Corfu, in Thessaloniki and Bizerta (Tunisia) 1916 – 1918”.
10:45-11:00 Katerina Diakoumopoulou, Assistant Professor, Department of Theatre Studies, NKUA, “Greek Bibliography of Theatrical Works (1900-1940)”.
11:00-11:15 Discussion 11:15-11:45 BREAK
Chair: Michalis Meimaris,
Emeritus Professor NKUA, founder of New Technologies’ Lab, Department of Communication & Media Studies
11:45-12:00 Maria Arvanitaki, Librarian & Maria Kokologianni, Cataloguer, Hellenic Literary and Historical Archive, / National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation (ELIA/MIET), “A glance at the publishers and printers of the 19th and 20th centuries through the collections of the Hellenic Literary and Historical Archive of the MIET”.
12:00-12:15 Miloš Janković, President of the Association of Writers of Serbia, “Association of Writers of Serbia as the oldest writers organiza- tion in Western Balkans and the problems of publishing litera- ture in 21st century”.
12:15-12:30 Dimitris Savvas, Director of Vikelaia Library of Heraklion, “The development and the contribution of Vikelaia Library of Herak- lion”.
12:30-12:45 Miroslav Aleskic, Assistant Director of the Matica srpska library, “Two centuries of Matica srpska, its literature magazine and its library”.
12:45-13:00 Discussion
Afternoon Session: LIBRARIES
Chair: Antonis Skamnakis, Associate Professor, Department of Journalism and Media, AUTH
17:00-17:15 Viktor Lazić, Founder and Honorary President of Adligat, “The oldest Serbian family library – Library Lazić since 1882. and the formation of Adligat”.
17:15-17:30 Maria Georgopoulou, Director, Gennadius Library of the Amer- ican School of Classical Studies at Athens, “Gennadius Library. Rare publications, archival evidence and technology”.
17:30-17:45 Nebojša Kuzmanović, Director of the Archive of Vojvodina, state publishing institution of historical books & Kristijan Obšust, Deputy Director of the Archive of Vojvodina, “Special Libraries and publishing activity in Archives - Case Study: The Archives of Vojvodina”.
17:45-18:00 Chrysa Nikolaou, Head of the Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation Library (PIOP), “Libraries in Greece: From the closed collections of the past to the challenge of universal access”.
18:00-18:15 Discussion 18:15-18:45 BREAK
Chair: Anna Karakatsouli, Professor, Director of Book History Lab, Department of Theatre Studies, NKUA
18:45-19:00 Jasmina Ninkov, Director of the Belgrade City Library & Marjan Marinković, Assistant Director of the Belgrade City Library, “The Digitized Treasures of Belgrade City Library: Exploring Old and Rare Collections”.
19:00-19:30 Helen Koveou, Director of the University of Crete Library, "The incunabula collection of the University of Crete Library. Devel- opment, documentation policies and outreach strategies".
Paraskevi Choudalaki, Director of Department of Libraries, Di- rectorate of Social Protection, Education, Sports & Culture, Mu- nicipality of Chania, "Libraries of the Municipality of Chania: The treasures of our town”.
Michalis Troulis, President of the Public Central Library of Re- thymnon, “Publications and Libraries in Southeast Europe from the 17th century, as challenges of today: the example of Rethymnon”.
Ratko Ristić, Deputy Rector for International Relations, University of Belgrade, “University, library, memory”.
19:45-20:00 Michalis Meimaris, Emeritus Professor, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), “Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) the Alpha and the Omega?”
20:00-20:15 Discussion
20:15 Conclusions: A. Karakatsouli, V. Lazić, M. Meimaris, A. Skamnakis, G. Varzelioti
Cο-organized by Museum of Typography, Book History Lab - University of Athens (E/B), Adligat Museum of Serbian Literature, Regional Press Institute, Labatory of New Technologies & Media University of Athens. With the support of Region of Crete, PTA, Kydon City Hotel, Samaria Water, Aegean Airlines, Municipality of Apokoronas, International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM), Cooperative Bank of Chania, Haniotika Nea newspaper.
Media Sponsor: Athens Voice.