INTERNATIONAL POSTER CONTEST “Typography & Printing: past, present and future”

INTERNATIONAL POSTER CONTEST “Typography & Printing: past, present and future”

The "Museum of Typography" in Chania, Crete, with great pleasure invites once again professionals, students and amateurs of graphic and visual arts, but also people with innovative ideas that can turn them into a poster, to participate in the 3nd international poster contest about typography.

As the greek word “τυπογραφία” means both typography and printing, this year's theme is about their past, present and future. The theme of the contest is: “Typography & Printing: past, present and future”.

The top three posters will take the central part of an exhibition that will be presented in the auditorium of the "Museum of Typography" and their creators will receive important prizes:

1,000 euros the first winner,

700 euros the second winner

500 euros the third.

At this exhibition, which will be inaugurated Saturday September 24, 2016, at 7:30 p.m., thirty distinguished works will be presented and their creators will receive honorary distinctions.

This year's contest is of great importance to the museum for an additional reason, as the distinguished posters will be presented in the auditorium where the annual Conference and general meeting of AEPM (Association of European Printing Museums) will be hosted, in May 2017.

The jury of the contest consists of:

Yiannis Garedakis, journalist - publisher, founder of "Haniotika nea" and "Museum of Typography"

Georgios D. Matthiopoulos professor of Graphic Design at the School of Fine Arts and Design of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens

Alexandros Kokkolas, graphic designer, professor of Graphic Design at Vacalo Art & Design College

Elia Koumi, communication specialist - journalist, director of the Museum of Typography

Helen Stavridi, graphic designer, collaborator of the Museum of Typography

Participation terms:

1) Anyone interested in participating to the contest should send their work until Wednesday, August 31, 2016 to the email: It should be accompanied by the following information: name and surname, place of residence and contact information (phone and email) and - optionally - a brief description of the project (up to 100 words). The name of both files should be the name and surname of the contestants in Latin characters.

2) The poster should be created with the view of being used in various applications of the Museum (publication cover, poster, postal card, banner, etc). The dimensions must be 50x70 cm. PDF, CMYK, images at 200 ppi and not exceed 25 Mb. Otherwise it should be sent by we transfer or other similar service.

3) The contest is open to anyone wishing to take part with a single (1) project. Employees of “Haniotika Nea SA” and "Museum of Typography" are excluded from the contest.

4) Selection criteria for the winning creations will be the originality and the transmission directness of the message.

5) Those interested can find the Museum logo at

6) Contest results will be announced during the inauguration of the exhibition, that will be held in the auditorium of the "Museum of Typography". More details about the event will be anounced soon. After the presentation of the exhibition the results will be announced on the website of the "Museum of Typography", on its official facebook page, in the newspaper "Haniotika Nea" and on

Regarding intellectual property rights:

1. Creators of the thirty projects that will be rewarded or receive honorary distinction declare that they do not maintain any intellectual property rights on the creations that they will deliver.

2. The works will not be returned.

3. The “Museum of Typography” may reuse without damage the entire work submitted by the thirty reators mentioned above or part of it, freely for any purpose and in any way, unchanged or modified at its own discretion.

4. Participation in the contest automatically implies the acceptance of terms of the present notice of contest.