Children’s book presentation at the Museum of Typography 28/1/18

The new publication of the Museum of Typography, a children’s book called "Traces of a dot ... or a dot in the Museum of Typography" will be presented on Sunday, January 28th, 2018 at the amphitheatre of the museum. The story was written by the writer and musician Maro Theodorakis. The presentation will be dramatized by the children and adults groups of “Stage without limits”, with Maro Theodorakis singing and accompanying with her piano. Artistic editing and narration by Stella Skordara.

At the end of the event, all children will have the opportunity to print the end of the story at an old printing press from the museum's collection.

The narrative unfolds the tender story of a dot that a boy's paints turned into a warm sun. The little anxious dot wanted to live forever in order to send her warmth to the hearts of people. Heaven conspired with Earth and, with the help of the southern wind, transfered the dot in Chania, at the Museum of Typography, so that its story, its form, would remain printed for a lifetime.

The book was illustrated by Lila Kalogeri.

The little restless dot is already loved by the small friends of the Museum of Typography, as the narration of the story is part of the educational programme for kindergarten and the first classes of Primary School. The book is in greek, with an english version planned in the near future.

Free entrance.