As significant as typography was in recording the written word, so important was the invention of photography to capture the image.

This invention, therefore, could not but have its own special place in the Museum of Typography by Giannis and Eleni Garedaki, which will soon present to the public a new exhibition hall dedicated to the history of photography and its relationship with typography.

On this occasion, the Museum invites professional and amateur photographers to participate in the exhibition entitled "The power of the image - An exhibition for the Museum of Typography" and to capture with their own artistic view the special exhibits of the museum.

These works will be presented in an exhibition that will be hosted at the CMA, Grand Arsenal, in the old harbour of Chania from 15 to 30 July 2022.

Three token prizes will be awarded after a public vote to visit the exhibition.

Photographers wishing to participate in the exhibition can visit the Museum of Typography from 21 to 30 June 2022, Monday to Friday, from 10:00 to 16:00 to take their photos.

Each photographer can send electronically up to two photos in high resolution (one of which will participate in the exhibition) until July 4, 2022 at

For any clarifications you can contact 6974020861.

The poster as a mirror that reflects society but also as a imprint of human creativity, emerged at the awards ceremony for the "6th World Poster Contest" of the "Museum of Typography" which took place on Sunday 31 October 2021, at the Center for Mediterranean Architecture, Grand Arsenal, in the Venetian Port of Chania.

In his greeting, the founder and chairman of the Board of the Museum of Typography, Mr. Υiannis Garedakis pointed out his will that in addition to it’ s important collections, the Museum of Typography is focused in organising important events".

He also noted that "many have not realised how important this contest is. Imagine that 628 people from 68 countries took part in the competition, an advertisement for our city ".

In the presentation of the event, the director of the Museum of Typography, Mrs Elia Koumi, commented, among other things, that "we sometimes wonder what it would be like, if our museum could find a more suitable location in the city of Chania. A location where it’s actions, initiatives but mainly his valuable collections would be accessible to a wider audience. We have a unique Museum, an institution with international recognition and a proven cultural offer that strives to be visible in its own city".


The theme of the contest was free, giving designers the opportunity to express through their poster all that concerns them, highlighting the role of the poster as an imprint of every human activity.

“The pandemic and the vaccination were among the dominating topics, while the environmental crisis and disasters, war and violence against women where the themes that preoccupied many of the participants,” said Ms. Koumi, giving more information about the competition.

The 628 participants of the contest came from literally every corner of the globe: USA, Canada, China, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Portugal, Russia, a total of 68 countries! And the event was attended by participants from Russia, Portugal, Germany and Italy who traveled to Chania to participate in the event.

In the epilogue, the Chairman and founder of the Museum Mr. Giannis Garedakis proposed for the future a graphic design seminar at the Regional Press Institute, with the participation of all the great graphic designers and teachers with whom the museum has developed cooperation.

The prizes

Rina Polichenkova from Russia received the 1st prize (1500 euros), which was awarded to her by the founder of the museum and publisher of "Haniotika nea" newspaper Mr. Giannis Garedakis. Evidently moved, the winner welcomed the audience in Greek and expressed her joy to be in Chania to receive her award.

The 2nd prize was won by Daniel Malaj from Italy (1000 euros). The award was given by Mr. Tassos Vamvoukas from the Association of Pharmacists of Chania Prefecture. Mr. Malaj thanked the jury for the honour and the "great opportunity they gave me to participate in this competition". He then talked about his poster and his main inspiration.

The 3rd prize was awarded to Maria-Loukia Mitrakou from Greece who won the sum of 700 euros. In her videotaped message, she expressed her great joy for her choice.

The event was held with the support of the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports and the Municipality of Chania.
Sponsors were Sky Express and the Chania Pharmacists’ Cooperative.

The souvenir given to the participants in the event, a woodcut from the collection of the Museum of Typography, depicting the port of Chania at the end of the 19th century, printed on special paper and in a limited number of copies was an offer of: Future Format and Perrakis Papers.

The event ended with Cretan music by Stavros Psaroudakis accompanied by his son.

The 6th International Poster Contest of the Museum of Typography was completed with 628 valid entries from 68 countries. The award ceremony and honors to the creators of the 30 posters that received the highest score from the jury, took place on Sunday, October 31 2021 at the Center for Mediterranean Architecture, Megalo Arsenali, in the Old Port of Chania.

The results of the contest:

• 1st prize: Rina Polichenkova from Russia, (1500 euros). The prize was awarded by the publisher of "Haniotika nea" newspaper, and founder of the Museum of Typography Mr. Giannis Garedakis. The winner welcomed the audience in Greek and expressed her joy to be in Chania to receive her award.

• 2nd prize: Dalien Malaj from Italy (1000 euros). The award was given by Mr. Tassos Vamvoukas from the Chania Pharmacists' Cooperative.

• 3rd prize: Maria- Loukia Mitrakou from Greece (700 euros), who was not present at the event.

The first prize of 1500 euros was sponsored by the "Haniotika nea" newspaper. The second € 1,000 was sponsored by Sky Express. The third, amounting to 700 euros, was sponsored by the Chania Pharmacists' Cooperative.

A public vote was also held during the event, which resulted in three more posters receiving awards, one by Tatyana Zeretskaya from Russia, one by Guo Chen from China and one by Ksenia Sidorkina (Auburn) from Russia. Their creators will receive a prize of 500 euros each, from the Museum of Typography.

Free theme - Pandemic – Vaccination

Due to the particularly high number of entries in the 6th International Poster Contest of the Museum of Typography, its duration is extended until Sunday, September 19, 2021.

It is reminded that the contest has a free theme, giving designers the opportunity to express their interests and concerns through their poster, and highlighting the role of the poster as an imprint of every human activity. The pandemic and more recently the vaccination are the topics that have dominated our every day life for the past year and a half, while other creative proposals are also welcome.

The poster should be accompanied by a short explanatory text that will explain its content and purpose. The invitation mainly concerns professionals and students of graphic and visual arts.

The jury of the contest consists of:

Yiannis Garedakis, journalist – publisher, founder of the newspaper “Haniotika nea” and chairman of the Board of the Museum of Typography

Yiannis Belibasakis, Assistant Professor, Engraving Laboratory, Department of Fine and Applied Arts, School of Fine Arts, AUTh

Dimitris Papazoglou, visual communication designer

Ariadne Perraki, CEO Perrakis Papers

The 30 posters selected by the jury will receive honors and the first three will receive significant cash prizes.

1,500 euros the first winner

1,000 euros the second winner

700 euros the third winner

These posters will be presented in an exhibition that will be hosted in the amphitheater of the Museum of Typography for a year, until the next competition.

The awarding of prizes and distinctions will take place on Saturday, October 30, 2021, at the opening of the exhibition, in the amphitheater of the Museum of Typography, at the BIOPA of Chania, Souda, Crete.

In the event that Covid 19 prevention conditions do not allow the event to take place on that date, it will be postponed until health conditions allow it.

Terms of participation

1) Those interested should send their work from Monday 26th July to Sunday 19 September 2021 to the email: The poster should be accompanied by the entry form and a short description of the project (up to 100 words). The name of both files should be the name of the contestants.

The details of the participation form are:

First Name:

Last Name:





Telephone number (with country code)

Short Description (in English): [max 100 words]

2) The dimensions should be 50 × 70 cm PDF, CMYK, image at 200 ppi and should not exceed 25 MB. Otherwise the shipment should be done by wetransfer. It is necessary to attach a poster file in jpg format in low resolution up to 1 MB for web use.

3) Each participant can submit only one, original project, which has not participated in another competition. The employees of "Haniotika Nea" SA and the "Museum of Typography by Yiannis & Eleni Garedaki" are excluded from the competition.

4) The poster must bear the museum logo. You can find the logo at

5) The results of the competition will be announced at the award ceremony that will be hosted in the amphitheater of the "Museum of Typography". After the ceremony, the results will be announced in the newspaper "Haniotika Nea", at, on the site of the "Museum of Typography" and on the official page of the "Museum of Typography" on facebook www.


1. By participating in the competition, the authors declare that the data used to create their work are original and do not include the copyrights of third parties.

2. The creators of the three works that will be awarded declare that they do not retain any property rights in the works they will deliver.

3. The Museum of Typography of Giannis and Eleni Garedaki will be free to re-use freely, for any purpose and in any way, original or adapted, all or part of the material sent by the 30 creators who received awards or honors.

4. Participation in the competition automatically implies acceptance of the terms of this notice.

Free theme - Pandemic – Vaccination

The Museum of Typography by Giannis and Eleni Garedaki announces the 6th International Poster Contest, without a thematic restriction, giving designers the opportunity to express their interests and concerns through their poster, and highlighting the role of the poster as an imprint of every human activity. The pandemic and more recently the vaccination are the topics that have dominated our every day life for the past year and a half, while other creative proposals are also welcome.

The poster should be accompanied by a short explanatory text that will explain its content and purpose. The invitation mainly concerns professionals and students of graphic and visual arts.

The 30 posters selected by the jury will receive honorary distinctions and the first three will receive significant cash prizes.

1,500 euros the first winner

1,000 euros the second winner

700 euros the third winner

These posters will be presented in an exhibition that will be hosted in the amphitheater of the Museum of Typography for a year, until the next competition.

The awarding of prizes and distinctions will take place on Saturday, October 30, 2021, in the amphitheater of the Museum of Typography, at the Small Industries Park of Chania, in Souda, Crete.

In the event that Covid 19 prevention conditions do not allow the event to take place on that date, it will be postponed until health conditions allow it.

The names of the jury will be announced soon.

Terms of participation

1) Those interested should send their work from the 26th of July to Thursday 16 September 2021 to the email: The poster should be accompanied by the entry form and a short description of the project (up to 100 words). The name of both files should be the name of the contestants.

The details of the participation form are:

First Name:

Last Name:





Telephone number (with country code)

Short Description (in English): [max 100 words]

2) The dimensions should be 50 × 70 cm PDF, CMYK, image at 200 ppi and should not exceed 25 MB. Otherwise the shipment should be done by wetransfer. It is necessary to attach a poster file in jpg format in low resolution up to 1 MB for web use.

3) Each participant can submit only one, original project, which has not participated in another competition. The employees of "Haniotika Nea" SA and the "Museum of Typography by Giannis & Eleni Garedaki" are excluded from the competition.

4) The poster must bear the museum logo. You can find the logo at

5) The results of the competition will be announced at the award ceremony that will be hosted in the amphitheater of the "Museum of Typography". After the ceremony, the results will be announced in the newspaper "Haniotika Nea", at, on the site of the "Museum of Typography" and on the official page of the "Museum of Typography" on facebook www.


1. By participating in the competition, the authors declare that the data used to create their work are original and do not include the copyrights of third parties.

2. The creators of the three works that will be awarded declare that they do not retain any property rights in the works they will deliver.

3. The Museum of Typography of Giannis and Eleni Garedaki will be free to re-use freely, for any purpose and in any way, original or adapted, all or part of the material sent by the 30 creators who received awards or honors.

4. Participation in the competition automatically implies acceptance of the terms of this notice.


* The poster of the 6th contest features the winning poster of the 5th contest, created by Dimitris Lelakis.

The Greek Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, issueda publication that presents all the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe crossingthrough Greece.

Only one certified Route crosses Crete, the "European Route of Industrial Heritage" (ERIH), which is represented by the Museum of Typography by Giannis and Eleni Garedaki.

The presentation involves all the Greek organizations that participate in the certified routes of the Council of Europe, but also those who intend to participate and are in the process of integration.

The edition is the result of the cooperation among the diplomatic Cabinet of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Afairs of Diaspora Greeks, the Directorate of International Relations and European Union of the Ministry of Culture, the Public Diplomacy Office of the Permanent Mission of Greece to the Council of Europe, as well as the Administrative Regions of Greece.

The Cultural Routes programme, launched by the Council of Europe in 1987, demonstrates in a visible way, by means of a journey through space and time, how the heritage of the di erent countries and cultures of Europe represent a share cultural heritage. The Cultural Routes put into practice the fundamental values of Council of Europe: human rights, cultural democracy, cultural diversity and identity, dialogue, mutual exchange and enrichments across boundaries and centuries. As of 2019, there are 38 certi ed Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe.

The brochure is available online on the website of the Greek Presidency of the Council of Europe:

Due to the special conditions caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the Museum of Typography suspends its scheduled operation. For the winter period, visits can be made only by appointment at tel .: 6974333992.

The Museum of Typography participates in the fourth live webinar themed: "Cultural Routes Dialogues: challenges and opportunities post Covid-19" - 4. GREECE, organised by the Secretariat of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes (EPA) and the European Institute of Cultural Routes. The aim of this initiative is to examine the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the cultural and tourism sector - in particular on the networks and activities of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe-, to identify challenges that Cultural Routes are facing and discuss opportunities and innovative solutions to overcome this crisis.

In the framework of the Greek Charimanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, the webinar will take place on Friday 26th June from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. (EEST) and will focus on Cultural Routes based or with a strong presence in Greece.

Future editions will include the participation of representatives of Cultural Routes and institutions in other EPA member States.

The live streaming of the webinar can be followed through the Cultural Routes Facebook page The audience is invited to send questions for the speakers through the live chat. Please note that the seminar will be held in GREEK.

We look forward to your participation!




Opening Remarks:


The Museum of Typography is ready to open its doors to the public again, from Tuesday, June 16th 2020, following all the protection guidelines and applying the necessary measures  to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The museum starts its operation with reduced hours, every Tuesday and Thursday at 10 a.m. - 3 pm, including, as always, free guided tours for its visitors.

The museum will also open on weekends for group visits by appointment. For any clarification and to book your appointment you can contact 28210 80090, 28210 51003 (115) and 6974020861.

The Museum of Typography is suspending its operation for the public until further notice, by decision of the Board and following the announcement of the Greek Ministry of Culture.

For the time being, the Museum of Typography is reinforcing its online presence, offering its friends the opportunity to digitally read two of its greek editions, free of charge, for as long as it will be closed. At the same time, we remind that our site has a virtual tour (360 °) tha features most of the museum, which can transfer the experience of browsing the museum to anyone who wishes, from the security of their home!

The first edition is the book by Michalis Grigorakis "The Printing Office of the Great Cretan Revolution 1866 - 1869", by Michalis Grigorakis, which had been published by the newspaper "Chaniotika News in 2004" and is available at the MT shop. This is the story of the first revolutionary printing press created in Crete and settled in Sfakia to print the revolutionary newspaper "Crete - Freedom or Death".

And for our youger friends, the Museum of Typography offers the electronic version of Maro Theodorakis's ">Traces of a dot" illustrated by Lila Kalogeris. This fairy tale is based on the homonym and much loved by its young visitors, educational program for kindergarten, first and second grade children.

We are cautiously and optimistically facing this unprecedented ordeal for our generation and hope that consistent implementation of the measures put in place by the State will minimize the impact of the pandemic in our country.